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Friday 25 October 2013

Nikon's New Full Frame???

Ever since Sony unveiled the World's Smallest And Cheapest Full Frame, the A7 a couple of weeks ago , rumours about an upcoming Full Frame from Nikon began to surface. 

This particular piece of news is stretching the limits of everyone's imagination as we began to wonder how would it look like; Would it be a combination of the D610 Full Frame housed in a Nikon J1 body just like the Sony A7, a Full Frame in an NEX body? Clearly, this may be Nikon's version and answer to the World's Smallest And Cheapest Full Frame.

Nonetheless, this is certainly very exciting news for Full Frame fans like me especially now we know that the price of a Full Frame will not only become more affordable in time to come but Full Frame camera bodies should also become much smaller. 

So now besides having bigger MFT camera such as the OMD-EM1, we also have smaller Full Frames!

According to Nikon Rumors, this new Full Frame Nikon camera will not have any video capabilities,  no AA filter and possibly a hybrid mechanical shutter.

As the Full Frame market continues to grow, I also hope to see Canon coming up with a new Full Frame in response to Nikon's this new model.

 Maybe a 5DM3 in a EOS M body???

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